Getting a new horse is exciting, but it also comes with many responsibilities. There are a lot of things that you should know about training and caring for a new horse. As a seasoned horse owner myself, I have been able to learn a lot about horses over the years. These are the biggest tips that I recommend after getting a new horse. 

Find A Veterinarian

When it comes to getting a new horse, one of the first steps that you should take is to find a farrier and a veterinarian. These two professionals will be able to provide you with the necessary services and advice to take care of your horse. I have called both individuals several times to ask questions, and they have willingly answered them.

Ensure They Have Plenty Of Food & Water

Ensure your horse gets enough water and food to stay healthy. They can consume up to 2% of their body weight on grass and hay, and they require over five gallons of water a day to remain healthy. Because of their large bodies, horses require more substance. Find a food amount that works for your horse based on its build and overall need.

Ensure your horses have water access, especially if they’re in a stall or field. They may be dehydrated if their skin is too tight or if they’re suffering from fatigue. You can also encourage them to drink more by putting salt blocks around their living area.

Clean The Stable On A Daily Basis

It’s important to clean your horse’s stall every day to keep it free of bacteria. Doing so will help prevent them from developing fungal infections such as thrush, which can affect their feet. It is also important to clean the stalls every day to keep them free of bacteria. Doing so can help decrease the risk of bacterial and fungal infections.

Determine What Chores Are Needed To Care For Your Horse

It can be very challenging to maintain a consistent chore schedule when it comes to owning a horse, so take some time to develop one. Having a set time of day when you can focus on doing chores such as watering and feeding will help keep the horse well. Some of the other tasks that you can include in this list include turning out the horse, cleaning the tack, and mucking out the stalls.

Studies show that routines can help us be more efficient. Having a set schedule will allow you to focus on the important tasks that you need to complete, and it can also give you time to have fun.

Build A First Aid Kit For Your Horse

Like other people, your horse may need medical attention at some point in time. Having a first aid kit can help keep your horse safe and comfortable during these situations. Some of the items that you can include in this kit include a wound fly repellent, an antiseptic, bandages, and a syringe.

You can also include various products that are commonly used for treating eye problems and soreness in horses, such as Bute, a powdery medication.